boxing day
a christmas gift idea
if you really want to help children in the developing world this Christmas: why Operation Christmas Child boxes do more harm than good
'twas the day before Christmas
the thing about snowflakes
UncategorizedSarah ThebargeAdvent, breast cancer, cancer, Christmas, dirt, grace, hope, snowflakes, water, weather, winter
how to kill your christmas joy in one easy step
UncategorizedSarah ThebargeAdvent, celebration, Christmas, covent, Elizabeth, envy, grinch, jealousy, john the baptist, Joseph, joy, judgmental, Luke 1, Mary, nativity, zechariah
the place long devastated
UncategorizedSarah ThebargeAdvent, Christmas, courage, Divine Love, healing, hope, incarnation, Isaiah 61, Jesus, memories, nativity, wounds
those who hurt so hard they can't hope
UncategorizedSarah ThebargeAdvent, angels, baby Jesus, Christmas, Emmanuel, God With Us, good will toward men, hope, incarnation, Jesus, Joseph, joy, love, manger, Mary, nativity, peace on earth, shepherds, wisemen
No Justice, No Christmas: Why Michael Brown and Eric Garner's Death Make Advent Matter
UncategorizedSarah ThebargeAdvent, Christmas, Daniel Pantaleo, Darren Wilson, Eric Garner, grand jury, handsupdontshoot, icantbreathe, injustice, justice system, Michael Brown, prince of peace, protests, racism, shepherds, shutitdown, twitter, wise men
the night before christmas
Ding Dong Merrily
UncategorizedSarah ThebargeAway in a Manger, baby Jesus, Christmas, Christmas Carols, Ding Dong Merrily On High, Do You Hear What I Hear, Dominick the Donkey, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, Joseph, Mary, Santa, shepherds, Silent Night, wiremen