During the next forty days, may we create the stillness and the silence to hear the Voice that whispers to us, "I created you, my precious child, because my soul wanted you." And may we say, over and over again for the 40 days (and the lifetime) it takes us to reach the Resurrection, "My soul wants You, too."
Read MoreWe can live our lives consumed by seeking standing ovations that bring crowds to their feet. But our ultimate purpose is to bring a crippled, suffering world to its feet, one pair of healed, dancing feet at a time.
Read MoreHaving malaria in Togo, and pneumonia this weekend, helps me remember that the power that raised Jesus from the dead on Sunday morning was the same power at work in his life on Friday night. On Sunday, the power gave him strength to rise. On Friday, the power gave him strength to surrender.
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