where i'm going

Soon I'll be taking the last step in the journey to South Sudan.  (I've been to 4 countries and 8 cities in 10 days, so it's been quite the trip!)

In 2015, I practiced medicine in Togo, which the U.N. ranked the least happy country in the world.  South Sudan, on the other hand, is the most fragile country in the world. 

South Sudan became an independent country in 2011, and has been engaged in a civil war since 2015. 

It has the highest rates of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa, and the highest child mortality rate in the developing world. 

2.5 million South Sudanese have lost their lives in the civil war. 

Please pray for them.  Pray for me. Pray for safety. Pray for peace.  Pray that the medical training I'm doing this month will save the lives of these precious little ones. 


On earth as it is in heaven.
