kindness — Blog — Sarah Thebarge
loving them into the Light: a surprising way to change the world
blogSarah ThebargeAltRight, care, Charlottesville, compassion, counter protesters, darkness, do all the good you can, how to change the world, injuries, kindness, light, love, love your enemies, love your neighbors, medical care, neoNazi, protesters, selfless, well, white supremacy, wounds
the ground on which you stand: practicing compassion here & now
blogSarah Thebargeacts of kindness, compassion, developing world, empathy, kindness, medicine, pain, patients, suffering, the ground on which you stand, Togo, West Africa
in the beforemath: why being proactive matters more than being reactive
blogSarah Thebargeaftermath, Alexandria shooting, an ounce of prevention, beforemath, brandan robertson, civil discourse, compassion, cure, democrat, for, grace, gun rights, I told you so, kindness, LGBTQ, listening, love, mercy, politics, prevention, ranting, republican, san francisco shooting, second amendment, southern baptist convention, Steve Scalise
labor (of love) day
what a free bowl of oatmeal taught me about healing the world
UncategorizedSarah ThebargeAVP, be the change you wish to see in the world, change the world, chaos, clinton foundation, compassion, cruel, cure for cancer, DAY, Delta, Detroit, ego, empathy, faith, gates foundation, generosity, heal the world, kindness, love, make the world a better place, New York Times, New York Times Bestseller, oatmeal, pay it forward, Pennsylvania, random acts of kindness, Scranton, senseless acts of beauty, smile, sneer, society, strangers on a plane
say something
UncategorizedSarah Thebargebullying, Dani Mathers, death, encouraging, generosity, Girls Weekend, hate, hope, ISIS, kindness, mean girls, naked gym photo, police officers ambush, positive, see something say something, turkey, violence
in the aftermath
UncategorizedSarah ThebargeAlton Sterling, anger, Baton Rouge, Black Lives Matter, constructive, Dallas, destructive, gentleness, grief, justice, kindness, Minneapolis, Philando Castile, pointillism, police, Police Lives Matter, Seurat, shootings, violence
it happened one day at starbucks
UncategorizedSarah ThebargeAmerica, car insurance, car trouble, caramel macchiato, Communion, friendship, gingerbread cake, immigration, Kenya, kindness, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pay it forward, refugee camps, refugees, roadside assistance, Sarah Thebarge, Somalia, Starbucks, State Farm, The Invisible Girls
what's right with the world
UncategorizedSarah Thebargeairlines, cancellations, choices, delays, Delta, employees, gentleness, holiday travel, kindness, passengers, travel, what's right with the world
in me as it is in heaven
UncategorizedSarah Thebargeanger, Beatitudes, changing the world, dignity, flying, fruits of the spirit, gentleness, happiness, kindness, love, made in the image of God, patience, peace, politics, respect, self-control, travel, United, United-com
the 4th of july
already home
UncategorizedSarah Thebargeexhaustion, friends, home, homesickness, jet lag, kindness, sleep, strangers, The Invisible Girls, travel, world