in the beforemath: why being proactive matters more than being reactive
blogSarah Thebargeaftermath, Alexandria shooting, an ounce of prevention, beforemath, brandan robertson, civil discourse, compassion, cure, democrat, for, grace, gun rights, I told you so, kindness, LGBTQ, listening, love, mercy, politics, prevention, ranting, republican, san francisco shooting, second amendment, southern baptist convention, Steve Scalise
but I say: why abortion's not the only political issue that should matter to followers of Jesus
UncategorizedSarah Thebarge"but I say---", "you have heard it said", 2016, abortion, anti-abortion, babies, Beatitudes, clinton, democrat, election, fetus, hate, Hillary, life, Matthew 5, murder, political campaign, president, presidential election, pro-abortion, pro-life, raca, republican, rhetoric, trump, vote
the word that will change the world
UncategorizedSarah Thebargeblack, capitol, civil war, Columba, compromise, confederate flag, conservative, democrat, discrimination, dualism, female, liberal, love, male, north, racism, republican, south, South Carolina, unity, we the people, white