no place Love won't go
WELLSarah Thebargebook launch, courage, darkness, despair, For God so loved the world, grace, incarnation, Jesus, love, mercy, morphine, new book, pain, sacraments, Togo, unconditional love, valium, well, West Africa
in the beforemath: why being proactive matters more than being reactive
blogSarah Thebargeaftermath, Alexandria shooting, an ounce of prevention, beforemath, brandan robertson, civil discourse, compassion, cure, democrat, for, grace, gun rights, I told you so, kindness, LGBTQ, listening, love, mercy, politics, prevention, ranting, republican, san francisco shooting, second amendment, southern baptist convention, Steve Scalise
opposite day: why sunday mornings (and the mondays that follow) matter
blogSarah Thebargea gentle answer turns away wrath, Beatitudes, belonging, blessed are the merciful, embrace, grace, hope, inclusion, judgment, love, mercy, mercy triumphs over judgment, politics
day five in the dominican republic: she kept screaming
internationalSarah Thebargeanesthesiology, developing world, Dominican Republic, education, epidural, general anesthesiology, global medicine, international aid, mercy, pain, pain control, surgery
the secret to 2016
UncategorizedSarah Thebarge2016, depression, discouragement, grace, Happy New Year, hope, joy, mercy, New Years Day, New Years Eve, resolutions, Sarah Thebarge, the secret of 2016